Monday, December 11, 2006

Adventism Bible mistakes

When I was a young pastor I preached that everything that Adventism taught could be proved from the Bible. I have since come to realize that I was wrong. Adventism has its traditions and its "truths" that it inherited from other Christian groups. What are some of the teachings and practices of Adventists that you believe are non-biblical?

Let me start if off by comenting on our theology of ordination. Our theology comes right out of the Roman Catholic church not from the Bible. We have three levels of ordination: Deacon, Elder, Pastor. Deacon is inferior to elder which is inferior to pastor with you having to be ordained each time you take on one of these offices. In the Catholic church it is deacon, priest, and bishop, in that order with bishop being superior to priest and priest superior to deacon.

You find bishop, pastor, elder, deacon, in the New Testament but there is no hint that there were three separate ordinations required to fill these offices. There is much more I could say on this subject but this is enough for now. Now it is your turn. Where were we creatures of our culture such as ordination? And where do we need to change?


Bulworth said...

I've never felt the clean-unclean meat doctrine had much support in the N.T.


JDavidNewman said...

Good points Pastor Greg. In the NT deacons were on a par with elders. The qualifications for the two positions were essentially the same. Some may not like my title to this post but I wanted to be provocative. New understandings do not come when we are self satisfied. Everything we believe is filtered through our cultural eyes and subsets of the culture. That is one reason it is so difficult for Christians to agree.

Julius said...
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Julius said...

If we can include forced proof-texting as part of Adventism's Bible mistakes, there are a good number of them. I've found books such as "Studying Together" or "Bible Readings" quite helpful in locating texts that support the traditional Adventist positions on certain subjects, but there are numerous instances where the texts are taken completely out of context--just because a particular phraseology in a particular version support our position. (Rick Warren, btw, is also very good at that.)


David Wheeler said...

How about
female ordination
music in church
format of our church service which is similiar to the old Methodist church service